Monday, November 5, 2012

Guy Burneko, C. V. 2020

Guy Burneko, Ph. D.
The Institute for Contemporary Ancient Learning
Asheville, NC USA

Doctor of Philosophy in Interdisciplinary Studies, Graduate Institute of the Liberal Arts(ILA), Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia.
Dissertation Title: "Light Conversation, Exchanges of Life," a study in comparative modes of thought. Examination Areas: Literature, Philosophy of Science, Evolution of Consciousness, Interdisciplinary Essay “Guerilla Hermeneutics.” Dissertation Abstracts International 42, no.5 (1981): 2192-A.

Master of Arts in English, University of Alaska at Fairbanks, 1971

Bachelor of Arts in English, Philosophy Minor, Fordham University, Bronx, NY, 1968

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University of New Mexico Summer Seminar “Examining Key Scriptures of the Zen Buddhist Tradition,” Jemez Bodhi Manda Zen Center, New Mexico, 2002

Certificate in Permaculture Design, Occidental Arts & Ecology Center, Occidental, California, 1998

Certificates in “The Human Element” (FIRO), Will Schutz Associates, Mill Valley, California,& “From Conflict to Collaboration,” The Institute for Personal Change, San Bruno, California, 1998

Languages: French; Introductory Chinese (Putonghua); Introductory Swedish

Academic & Professional Honors:
Academy of Consciousness Studies Fellow Princeton University (Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Laboratories), 1994

Elected Alaska Pacific University Faculty Assembly Chair; 1992-1994, Received Alaska Pacific University Service Merit Award, 1994

National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Fellow The University of Hawaii: Madhyamika Buddhism; (declined, 1989)

National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Fellow Stanford University: Chinese Literature in an Interlingual Context, 1985

National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Fellow The Claremont Graduate University: Myth, Symbolic Modes and Ideology, 1974

Full-Tuition Scholarships Emory University, The Graduate Institute of the Liberal Arts, 1977-1979

Teaching & Professional Experience:
Director, The Institute for Contemporary Ancient Learning, Langley, Washington, 2004-present

Adjunct Faculty in Individualized Master of Arts Program, Antioch University Midwest, Yellow Springs, Ohio, 2011-2015

Adjunct Faculty, Cultural Anthropology, Skagit Valley College: South Whidbey Center,  2015

Adjunct Associate Professor in Transformative Studies Department, School of Consciousness and Transformation, California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, California, 2010

Core Graduate Faculty in the Center for Creative Change Whole Systems Design & Environment and Community Programs, Antioch University, Seattle, Washington, 1999-2004

Associate Professor in the Department of Humanities and Director of Graduate Liberal Studies, Golden Gate University, San Francisco, California, 1995-1998

Associate Professor in the Department of Humanities and M. A. in Liberal Studies Program, Alaska Pacific University, Anchorage, 1988-1994

Assistant Professor in the Adult Degree Program at Roanoke, Mary Baldwin College, Staunton, Virginia, 1987-1988

Visiting Assistant Professor in the Graduate Institute of the Liberal Arts, Emory University, 1986-1987

Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Departments of Humanities and of Philosophy, The University of North Carolina at Asheville; Part-time Reference Librarian, Pack Memorial Library, Asheville, 1985-1986

Instructor in the Department of English, Syracuse University, New York; Instructor in the Department of Anthropology, Utica College of Syracuse University; also Instructor in Syracuse University College of Continuing Education, 1984-1985

Assistant Professor in the Department of English, Mohawk Valley Community College, Utica, New York, 1983-1984

Foreign Expert (Interdisciplinary Liberal Studies) in the Department of Foreign Languages, Liaoning Teachers’ University, Dalian, People’s Republic of China, 1981-1983

Related Experience: 
*Instructor, Contemplative Ecology: A More-than-Sustainable Future, Senior Services of Island County (WA), Autumn 2014
*Electronic Documents Review, American Para-Professional Systems (APPS), Seattle, Washington, 2006-2008
*Writing invited book for Hampton Press; Consultant; Assistant at Meetings by Design, Inc., Berkeley, California; Permaculture Design Certification; “The Human Element” Certification, 1998-1999
*Educational Consultant, Action Coalition for Global Change/Model City, 1995-
*Fellow in Princeton University Academy of Consciousness Studies; Writing invited work for Routledge Press; Writing for Integrative Explorations; Educational Consultant, Teaching in Anchorage, Alaska public high school system, 1994-1995

Predoctoral & Volunteer Experience:
* 2015-Present Guest Collaborator, City of Langley, WA Parks, Open Space and Trails Commission  
*2015- Present  Consultant, Board of Directors, Whidbey Island Community Education
*Teaching Associate in the Department of Religion; and Teaching Assistant in the Liberal Studies Program, The Graduate Institute of the Liberal Arts, Emory University, 1980-1981; (Ph.D. program 1977-1981)
*Travel, Western Europe 1976; Head Custodian, Northgate Apartments, Reston, VA, 1976-1977
*Librarian, Kuskokwim Consortium Library, Bethel, Alaska, 1974-1975
*Community Information Specialist Fairbanks North Star Borough Library; Instructor in Literature and in Liberal Studies, Kuskokwim Community College of the University of Alaska at Bethel; Jesuit Volunteer Corps Bethel--Conscientious Objector doing Alternate Service, 1972-1974
*Teaching Graduate Assistant in the Department of English, the University of Alaska at Fairbanks, 1969-1971
*Teacher in the Department of English, Rome Free Academy, Rome, New York, 1968-1969

Courses Taught, Undergraduate:
Language and Literature: Approaches to Literature; Comparative Ancient & Classical Literature; Introduction to Literature; 20th Century American Literature & Culture; Survey of Literature; English Composition (all levels including ESL); Intensive Reading; World Literature; Science Fiction; Asian Literature & its Philosophical Background
Religious Studies: Contemporary Religious Thought; Religious Studies: Autobiography & Dreams; Dreams & Social Ideology; Buddhism, Daoism & Global Consciousness
Social Science/Philosophy: Cultural Anthropology; Symbolic Anthropology: Healing & Religion; Anthropology: Magic & Religion in Preliterate Societies; The Philosophy of Science; Ancient Wisdom & Modern Science; Evolution & Unity; Paradigm Studies; Introduction to Philosophy; Eastern Philosophies
Interdisciplinary Core Courses: Discourse & Social Meaning; Interdisciplinary Liberal Studies; Business & the Humanities; Individual Environment; Social Environment; Integration; The Future & the Individual; In Search of History; Shapers of Modern Thought; Identity, Youth & Self; Dynamics of Civilization; Origins of Civilization; Critical Thinking

Graduate, Literature & Theory: The Nature of Language; Comparative Literary Theory & Criticism; English Literature; Literature of the Pacific Rim; Literature of the Pacific Wilderness; Myth, Meaning & Literature; Blake’s Critique of Modernism; History of English & American Literature; Literature & Ideology; Children & Literature; Poetics & Politics: The Languages of Law, Dissent & Protest; Postmodernism in Literature & Culture; Myth, Literature, Archetype: Sustainable Systems & Meanings; Writing & Interpretation; Voice, Place, Principle
Evolution, Consciousness, and Systems Theory: Transformative Learning; Systems Thinking; Contemplative Ecology; Interpretive Cosmology: Daoist Philosophy & Jungian Psychology; Teacher Education; Ways of Knowing; Ancient Mind, Modern Medicine; Alterity, Relation, Cosmology & Meaning; Immersion into Whole Systems Design; Ever-Present Origin; Who Designs? Who Is Asking the Question?; Authenticity & Spontaneity in Consciousness, Culture & Natural Systems; Autopoiesis: Myth, Science & Self-Organization; The Evolution of Consciousness; Ecosocial Mindfulness; Systemic Theories & Approaches; Sustainable Community & Contemplative Leisure; Philosophical Perspectives on Environment & Community; Religion, Ecology & Ecohumanism; Critical Inquiry; Evolutionary Theory & Self-Organizing Systems; Ethics & Environmental Justice; Cultural Thematics of the Sixties

Teaching and Research Interests: Interdisciplinary, Transdisciplinary and Intercultural Interpretation•Symbolic & Biocultural Anthropology/Shamanism•Philosophy of Science• History/Evolution/Future of Consciousness•World Literature & Mythopoeia/Theory of Literature•Intercultural Religious Studies•Philosophical Hermeneutics/Hermeneutic Ontology•Interpretive/Axiological Cosmology•Ecophilosophy & Ecohumanism•Ecology & Religion•Social Justice•Holism/Nondualism•Nature of Language•Analytical and Archetypal Psychology•Daoist, Confucian, Neo-Confucian & Comparative Philosophy/Zhuangzi•Jean Gebser•Thomas Berry•Deconstructionism•Critical Theory•William Blake•Theory of Self-Organizing Systems•Interpretation of Religion•Intercultural Noetics•Sustainability•Contemplative/Learning Community

Selected Scholarly Publications:
Books: By the Torch of Chaos and Doubt: Consciousness, Culture Poiesis & Religion in the Opening Global Millennium. Advances in Systems Theory, Complexity, and the Human Sciences Series. Alfonso Montuori, Editor. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2003

New Reflections on things at Hand: Contemplating Ecohuman Sustainability. Kindle Direct Publishing, 2016,

Articles, Chapters, Presentations etc.:

“Sharing the Wealth: An Open Dialogue on EcoHuman Flourishing” at Langley Public Library, Langley, WA: March 2, March 16, 2019

"EcoHuman Healing: Connection and Celebration," at Healing Circles, Langley, WA: Sept. 11, Oct. 9, Nov. 13, Dec. 11, 2018

"Renewing the Ecology of Heart, Mind & Nature," presented at Langley Public Library, Langley, WA: September 7, October 7, 2017

"EcoHuman Flourishing and the Evolution of Consciousness," Humanities Commons, June 5, 2017.
"EcoHuman Flourishing and the Evolution of Consciousness," presented at Langley Public Library, Langley, WA, February 11, March 4, April 8, May 13 2017

“From Anthropocentrism to Flourishing Earth-Human Participation,”  presented at Langley Public Library, Langley, WA, October 18, 2016
“Anthropocosmic Communitas for Long-Term Sustainability, ” presented in absentia at Transgressing Boundaries:  Interdisciplinary Culture, Psychoanalysis and Anthropology, A Festschrift in Honor of Robert A. Paul at Emory University, Atlanta, GA, February 29, 2016

"It's Child's Play: Contemplative Anthropocosmic Creativity" World Futures: The Journal of New Paradigm Research 70: 8 (December 2014): 496-514

“The Starry Night Sky” World Futures: The Journal of Global Education 69: 4-6 (July 2013): 231-247 and   and in Montuori, Alfonso Ed. Journeys In Complexity: Autobiographical Accounts by Leading Systems and Complexity Theorists. New York: Routledge, 2014

“’Reflections on Things at Hand’: Contemplative Conduct as Self-Organizing Sustainability” at the Washington Center Curriculum for the Bioregion Conference on Sustainability and Contemplative Practice, Whidbey Institute at Chinook, Clinton, WA, November 3, 2012

"Contemplative Ecology: An Intercultural Story," in Designing Ecological Habitats: Creating a Sense of Place. E Christopher Mare and Max Lindegger, Eds. East Meon, UK: Permanent Publications, 2011: 47-52 and

"Sustainability: Syllogism, Synchronicity and Yijing" at the Pacific Northwest Regional Conference of the American Academy of Religion, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA, May 13, 2011

Yijing for Sustainable Ecosocial Mindfulness,” in absentia, invited at World Conference on the Yijing, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China June 14, 2010. Abstract at

“Contemplative Ecology: Guan for a More-than-Sustainable Future” Journal of Chinese Philosophy 37:1 (March 2010): 116-130

“Contemplative Conduct as Self-Organizing Resonance: Notes for a Future Beyond Sustainability” at the Pacific Northwest Regional Conference of the American Academy of Religion, George Fox University, Newberg, OR, May 3, 2008.

“Ecosemeity in the Global Noetic Repertoire” at The Institute for Contemporary/Ancient Learning, Seattle, WA, January 13, 2007

Creatio Continua,” World Futures: The Journal of General Evolution. 61:8 (December 2005): 622-628

“Coworlding and Ecoworlding” at the EcoVillage Design Institute Conference; Kendall, WA, July 29, 2005

“Integral Yoga and the Future Paradigms of Science” panelist at the Aurobindo Association Conference, Port Townsend, WA, June 12, 2005

“Teilhard de Chardin, Thomas Berry and Kong Zi” at the Pacific Northwest Regional Conference of the American Academy of Religion, Seattle University, April 30, 2005

“Sustainability and Self-Knowing: Cosmology, Politics and Poetics” at the Institute for Contemporary/Ancient Learning, Seattle, WA, March 12, 2005

“Ecohumanism: The Spontaneities of the Earth, Ziran, and K=2” Journal of Chinese Philosophy 31:2 (June 2004): 183-194.

“Rhythm, Meaning, and Vision: The Theory and Practice of Hermeneutic Ontology” at the Antioch University Seattle Center for Creative Change Symposium, April 4, 2001

“As We Are, So We See: Social Virtuosity as Discourse and Concourse” at the Antioch University VIIth Annual Faculty Conference, Yellow Springs, OH, November 11, 2000

Review: Words from the Soul: Time, East/West Spirituality, and Psychotherapeutic Narrative by Stuart Sovatsky. Integralis: Journal of Integral Consciousness, Culture, and Science 1.0 (October 2000)

“Wheels within Wheels, Building the Earth: Intuition, Integral Consciousness, and the Pattern that Connects.” Intuition—The Inside Story: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Eds. Robbie E. Davis-Floyd and P. Sven Arvidson, New York: Routledge Press, 1997: 81-100.

“All That We Are Is The Result Of What We Have Thought: Deficient Magic and Child Abuse,” Integrative Explorations: Journal of Culture and Consciousness 3.1 (January 1996): 18-51.

“Structures of Consciousness and the Work of Jean Gebser” at the Academy of Consciousness Studies, Princeton University, NJ, June 28, 1994

“Anointed with a Complex Delight” at the XIIth Annual Jean Gebser Conference, University of Windsor, Ontario, November 11, 1993

Review: The Embodied Mind: Cognitive Science and Human Experience, by Francisco J. Varela, Evan Thompson, Eleanor Rosch. World Futures: The Journal of General Evolution 37 (1993): 219-223; and (revised) Cybernetics & Human Knowing 9.2 (2002): 84-86.

“All That We Are Is The Result Of What We Have Thought” at the XIth Annual Jean Gebser Conference, Shippensburg University, PA, November 13, 1992

“It Happens all by Itself: The Tao of Cooperation, Systems Theory and Constitutive Hermeneutics,” World Futures: The Journal of General Evolution 31 (1991): 139-160; and in Cooperation: Beyond the Age of Competition, Allan Combs, Ed., World Futures General Evolution Series vol. 4. Philadelphia: Gordon and Breach, 1992: 96-117.

Review: The Inner Limits of Mankind: Heretical Reflections on Today’s Values, Culture and Politics, by Ervin Laszlo. World Futures: the Journal of General Evolution 32 (1991): 45-47

Review: Coming to Our Senses: Body and Spirit in the Hidden History of the West, by Morris Berman. World Futures: The Journal of General Evolution 30 (1991): 279-280.

Review: From Reductionism to Creativity: rDzogs-chen and the New Sciences of Mind, by Herbert V. Guenther. World Futures: The Journal of General Evolution 30 (1990): 101-103.

Review: Heidegger and Asian Thought, Graham Parkes, Ed., Pacifica 1:2 (September 1989): 133-138.

Review: Buddhist Hermeneutics, Donald S. Lopez, Ed., Pacifica 1:1 (January 1989): 125-132.

“Interdisciplinary, Transdisciplinary, and Intercultural Education: Postmodern Noetics and Guerilla Hermeneutics.” IS Journal/International Synergy 3:1 (No. 6, July 1988): 64-99.

“Interdisciplinary, Transdisciplinary, and Intercultural Education” at the Conference on Interdisciplinary Baccalaureate Education, University of South Carolina at Columbia, March 7, 1988.

“Jean Gebser: A Transdisciplinary Interpretation of the History of Consciousness” at the University of North Carolina at Asheville Noetics Group, March 6, 1988.

“Tao, Psyche and the Implicate Order” at the West Georgia College Symposium on Mind, Matter and Meaning, at Carrollton, GA, April 11, 1987.

“Experiments in Learning” at the Conference of the International Society for Individualized Instruction, Atlanta, GA, October 11, 1986.

“Chuang Tzu’s Existential Hermeneutics.” Journal of Chinese Philosophy 13 (1986): 393-409.

“Global Learning.” Scholar and Educator 9:2 (Fall 1985): 40-46.

“The Future of Consciousness and World Order” at the Conference of the Popular Culture Association, Louisville, KY, April 6, 1985.

“Future Studies and Evolutionary Humanism” at the Conference of Educators and Scholars, D’Youville College, Buffalo, NY, September 28, 1984.

“Therapeia and Noogenesis.” The Teilhard Review 14 (Winter 1979): 15-18.

“Things Old and New: Eukaryosis, Incarnation and Metanoia.” 1976.

Unpublished, Available on Request:

“Ecosemeity in the Global Noetic Repertoire.” 2006; “Augury.” 1994, 2005;

“Capitol Hill.” 2005; “Cosmos is Kinship.” 2004; “House Arrest.” 1994, 2005;

“Faculty Biographies: Antioch University Seattle – Center for Creative Change.” 2002;

“The Pivot of the Big Turning Around.” 2000; “One and One Make One.” 1996;

“Princeton Academy of Consciousness Studies.” 1994, 2005; “Princeton, During and After.” 1994, 2005;

 “The End of the Road.” 1991; “Champagne and Fishstrips.” 1988, 2005;

“Intercultural Noetics and Evolutionary Humanism.” 1988; “Guerilla Hermeneutics.” 1979;

  Selected Journalistic Publications:
“Collapse” in Swans Commentary, October 4, 2004;
“We Eat Our Young,” The Radical 1:3 (March/April 1993): 19-23;
Review: The Dream of the Earth, Thomas Berry. Alaska Bioregional Journal 1:3 (Summer 1989): 14-15;
“Cynosure,” editorial column in Tundra Drums, Bethel, Alaska, Fall 1974-Spring 1975; Library Journal Book Reviews: Gebser, J. The Ever-Present Origin, 109:20, 1984, p. 2284.; Hayles, N. K. The Cosmic Web, 110:2, 1985, p. 98.; Thompson, W. I. Pacific Shift, 111:7, 1986, p. 83; Hofstadter, D. R. Metamagical Themas, 110:9, 1985, p. 72; Pearce, J. C. Magical Child Matures, 110:10, 1985, p. 133.; Goleman, D. Vital Lies, Simple Truths, 110:10, 1985, p. 132; Campbell, J. Fisherman’s Guide, 110:12, 1985, p. 75; Altizer, T. J. J. History as Apocalypse, 110:12, 1985, p. 75.

Work under Review & in Progress: "EcoHuman  Flourishing and the Evolution of Consciousness"••

Selected Professional and Service Activities:
Simplicity Circle, Convener•Food LifeLine, Volunteer•Academy of Consciousness Studies, Fellow• American Academy of Religion, Member•Jean Gebser Society, Member•Integrative Explorations Editorial Board, Member•Integralis: Journal of Integral Studies Editorial Board, Member•Action Coalition for Global Change Educational Advisory Board, Member•Interconnection: Computer Re-Use & Learning Center, Volunteer; Forum on Religion and Ecology, Member

References, etc., on request

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